THINGS WORTHY OF REMEMBERINGExodus 13:3 INTRODUCTION: Memorial Day is primarily given to remembering those who have died, whether it be loved ones, friend, or those who have died for their country.…
   “ What Makes a Church Great? “ Title: What Makes A Great ChurchText: "And with great power gave the apostles witness of the resurrection of the Lord Jesus:  and great…

A Word to the Backslider

April 28, 2024
" A Word to the Backslider " The word backslider has a negative ring to it. Most people cringeor tighten when the name "Judas" or the word "hypocrite" is mentioned.So it…

Holy Heavenly Heartburn

April 14, 2024
Text: Luke 24:32Title: Holy Heavenly HeartburnIntro: Five Things That We Experience When the Fire Burns There is Companionship (Vs. 15)1)Jesus drew near during their confusionA) just like us: sometimes Jesus is…
“ OUR BLESSED HOPE, THE COMING OF THE LORD “  Scripture: Titus 2:11-15  Text: Titus 2:13 “ Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our…
The Proofs of The ResurrectionText: Rev.1:18Intro:1. The resurrection of Christ is the center and object of the Christian faith.If He did not rise then we have no foundation for a living…
Palm Sunday - Jesus Was Weeping!Text: Luke 19:28-44 Intro: Jesus stops for a moment & sends 2 of his disciples ahead of Him into a nearby village to carry out…
      Title: THREE QUESTIONS YOU MUST ANSWERText:  Matt. 27:15-26 Intro: Life is full of questions; some we hear often. Now, some people tend to tense up when they are faced with a…
                         HEAVEN: A PREPARED PLACE FOR PREPARED PEOPLE Text: (Hebrews 12:22-24) When Ronald Reagan was running for Governor of California, a woman confronted him one day and berated him severely.  Finally, she…

In the Secret Place with God

February 18, 2024
In the Secret Place with God            Psa. 91:1    He that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under             the shadow of the Almighty.Intro.   As a…
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